The bus build is now complete, but this site will always be a work in progress. I hope to make more videos and blogs of our travels to share here and in my other web spaces. We are not currently living in the bus full-time, but that was the original intention of the build, so most projects are done with that lifestyle in mind.
Check out my youtube channel for over 50 videos covering the projects that were involved in this conversion. For more details, this site contains blog posts with additional info and photos of each piece of the puzzle. I will continue to post videos, but you should be able to check back here for more details about what’s been going on.
Maintaining this website and creating video content is a labor of love that I do with a $0 budget, so don’t expect a lot of flash or filler. Some of it may be a little rough, so I apologize if I haven’t covered a detail you wish to know more about. This material was intended to be a reference for others that are interested in attempting similar projects, and not really focused on entertainment for views or ad clicks (that said, there are some affiliate links). If you have questions about anything that I post, you can send me an email via the contact form, or feel free to post directly on my youtube videos or other social media.